「ライフ イズ ストレンジ トゥルーカラーズ」で英語学習 ch4p4 “Life is Strange: True Colors” script


英語字幕・日本語訳  (Chapter 4: Flicker ゆらめき part 4)

ライアン:お祭りに・・・戻らない? ファンネルケーキ、食べよう。

Wanna rejoin the festivities? I’ll get you a funnel cake.


■rejoin (v) to go back to a group of people, organization etc that you were with before(動)再び加わる、再び参画する

■funnel cake(名)ファンネルケーキ(アメリカの祭りや遊園地でよく見られるケーキ)



Maybe you could save me one?


■save (v) to keep money or sth else for use in the future(動)確保しておく、取っておく、残しておく

例)私に果物を取っておいてください。Save me some fruit. = Save some fruit for me.



Yeah, of course. I’ll see you down there.


アレックス:ねぇ、兄さん? 話をしてもいい? 解決できたと思うよ。なぜ兄さんが死んだのか。誰のせいなのか。すごくない?


Hey Gabe? Can I tell you something?

I think I solved it. Why you died. Who’s responsible. Isn’t that crazy? I’m out of threads to pull. Which is terrifying. Because on the other side of all this, after Typhon, after you, there’s just…normal life. I was kind of counting on you to show me how to do that. But I think I can figure it out. I just wish you were here to see it.


■solve (v) to find an answer to a problem(動)〔謎・問題などを〕解く、解決する

■thread (n) A thread is also sth continuous that connects different ideas or thoughts together(名)〔話などの〕脈絡、〔全体をつなぎ止める〕筋

例)あなたは本当にその話を追及したいわけ? Do you really want to pull at the thread?

*「pull at threads」と言えば「ほつれた糸を、服がほつれてしまうかもしれないのに引っ張る」というイメージで、「良くない結末や答えしかないかもしれないのに、それでもその話を追うんですか?」という意味になります。

■terrifying (a) causing extreme fear(形)恐ろしい、ゾッとするような、身のすくむような

■count on (phrase) to be confident that you can depend on sb(フレーズ)~を頼りにする、~を当てにする

■figure out (phrase) to understand or solve sth(フレーズ)〔答えを〕見つけ出す、~であると分かる





Alex. Do you have the USB drive?



I do. It’s all here. Gabe’s call, their secret plan, the cover up…


■cover up (phrase) try to hide the fact of illegal or illicit activity(フレーズ)〔罪・悪事・事実・本心などを〕隠す



You need to come with me to the station. Alex. Don’t make this hard.


■station (n) a place or building where a specified activity or service is based(名)〔施設としての〕局、署





Probably isn’t how you pictured your first spring festival, huh?


■picture (v) to imagine something(動)~を頭の中に描く、想像する、心に描く



Not exactly. Pike, why am I here?



The long and short of it is…Diane is charging you with stealing her USB drive. Did you steal this USB drive or not?


■the long and short of it (phrase) used when you are telling sb the most important facts about sth rather than all the details(フレーズ)要するに、つまり

■charge (v) formally accuse (sb) of sth, especially an offence under law(動)〔~を…で〕非難する、告訴する、起訴する

■steal (v) to take sth without the permission or knowledge of the owner and keep it(動)盗む



At least tell me you looked at it.



I can’t. Sorry.


アレックス:どういうこと? なぜ見れないんですか?

What do you mean? Why not?



Well, one, I would need a warrant. And two, the case is closed. The order came down today. I did what I could, but, you know, the evidence just wasn’t there. Sorry, Alex.


■warrant (n) a document issued by a legal or government official authorizing the police or another body to make an arrest, search premises, or carry out some other action relating to the administration of justice(名)〔権威者からの〕認可、許可、認証

■case (n) a problem, a series of events, or a person being dealt with by police, doctors, lawyers, etc. (名)〔警察などの公的機関が捜査すべき〕事件、事態



The order came down today…from who?



High up. Boss’s boss’s boss. It’s not my job to know.


■high up (a) sb who is high up in an organization has an important position in it (n) sb who has a high rank in an organization(形)地位の高い(名)地位の高い人、上層部の人



Look…what happened to my brother wasn’t an accident. It was criminal. The files on that drive prove it.


■criminal (a) relating to crime(形)犯罪の、犯罪的な、有罪の

■prove (v) to show that sth is true(動)証明する



That could be true. Let’s say it is. The issue is, you stole Typhon’s property. I can’t work with that.


■issue (n) an important topic or problem for debate or discussion(名)〔議論すべき〕重要な話題、問題点


■property (n) a thing or things belonging to sb; possessions collectively(名)所有物



Okay, I get the point. I’m sorry I stole the drive, but—


■get the point (phrase) to understand the purpose, intention, or central idea of sth(フレーズ)(人)の言いたいことが分かる、(人)の話の核心をつかむ



Apologizing isn’t enough. Alex, you’re not thinking about this clearly.


■apologize (v) express regret for sth that one has done wrong(動)謝る、謝罪する



Seems pretty clear to me.


■pretty (adv) quite, but not extremely(副)かなり、非常に


パイク:ダイアンは君を コンピュータ犯罪で告発するつもりだ。連邦犯罪だぞ、アレックス 。軽く5年10年ぶちこまれる。

Diane wants to charge you with computer fraud. That’s a federal crime, Alex. Five-to-ten, easy.


■charge (v) formally accuse (sb) of sth, especially an offence under law(動)〔~を…で〕非難する、告訴する、起訴する

■computer fraud (n) a cybercrime and the act of using a computer to take or alter electronic data, or to gain unlawful use of a computer or system(名)コンピューター不正行為

■federal (a) of or connected with the central government of some countries(形)連邦制の、連邦制に関する






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