「ライフ イズ ストレンジ トゥルーカラーズ」で英語学習 ch4p5 “Life is Strange: True Colors” script


英語字幕・日本語訳  (Chapter 4: Flicker ゆらめき part 5)

アレックス:刑務所に行くってこと? 5年から・・・10年も?

You’re telling me I might go to prison for this? For…five to ten years?



It’s not that bad! Hey, I talked to her, and despite how angry she is at everything you did, she’s willing to let it go. If you agree to drop everyghing, Typhon won’t press any charges.


■despite (preposition) without being affected by; in spite of(前)~にもかかわらず、~をよそに

■be willing to (phrase) not opposed to doing sth; ready or eager to do sth(フレーズ)〔求められれば〕~することをいとわない、~する気がある

■drop everything (phrase) to stop whatever you are doing(フレーズ)今やっていることをすべてやめる

■press charges (phrase) to complain officially about sb in a law court(フレーズ)告発する



She’s only offering that deal because she knows I have her. She’s guilty, Pike.


■offer (v) to ask sb if they would like to have sth or if they would like you to do sth(動)提案する、提示する

■deal (n) an agreement entered into by two or more parties for their mutual benefit(名)取引、取り決め

■guilty (a) conscious of, affected by, or revealing a feeling of guilt(形)後ろめたい、やましい



Even if you’re right, your only evidence is inadmissible. I think you should do it.


■inadmissible (a) (especially of evidence in court) not accepted as valid(形)〔情報が法的に〕証拠として使えない・認められない



Fuck that, I’m not signing anything.





アレックス:いや! タイフォンは山に何かを埋めたの。兄さんの電話を無視してまで、巨大な何かを隠すために爆破したの。それが何なのか知りたくないの?

No! Typhon buried something in the mountains. Something so massive, they ignored Gabe’s call and set off the blast just to cover it up. Don’t you wanna know what it is?


■bury (v) to put sth into a hole in the ground and cover it(動)〔土中に〕~を埋める、葬る、〔見えないように物を〕隠す

■massive (a) very large in size, amount, or degree(形)大変な、巨大な

■ignore (v) to intentionally not listen or give attention to(動)無視する、~に気付かないふりをする

■set off (phrase) to cause to explode(フレーズ)〔爆薬・花火などを〕爆発させる

■cover up (phrase) try to hide the fact of illegal or illicit activity(フレーズ)〔罪・悪事・事実・本心などを〕隠す



What do you mean, cover it up?



Another blast, unannounced, set off at the exact same time at the old mining site. And all of it happened just a few weeks before inspections were set to begin. Come on, Pike. It’s all right here.


■set off (phrase) to cause to explode(フレーズ)〔爆薬・花火などを〕爆発させる

■inspection (n) the act of looking at sth carefully, or an official visit to a building or organization to check that everything is correct and legal(名)調査、〔公的な機関による〕視察、査察



Like I said, it doesn’t matter. Alex, please. Just sign the form and we can both go back to the party.


■matter (v) to be important, or to affect what happens(動)大きな違いがある、重要である






Alex, this is not an offer that you can choose—


■offer (n) the act of asking if sb would like to have sth or if they would like you to do sth(名)申し出、申入れ、提案



I said no!



“No” is not an option!


■option (n) one thing that can be chosen from a set of possibilities, or the freedom to make a choice(名)選択肢、選択できるもの





What are you so scared of?



See for yourself.



Is this a threat?


■threat (n) a suggestion that sth unpleasant or violent will happen, especially if a particular action or order is not followed(名)脅し


パイク:何を期待してたんだ? 相手はタイフォンだぞ。世界的な大企業だ。うなるほど金があるし、弁護士軍団や政治家もついている。やつらが俺たちに対して両手をあげて「やられたよ」なんて言うと思ったか?

What did you expect, huh? That Typhon, a global organization with billions in revenue, an army of lawyers, and who knows how many politicians in their pocket, would just throw up their hands and say “ you got us”?


■expect (v) to think or believe sth will happen(動)予期する、期待する

■billion (n) the number 1,000,000,000(名)〈米〉10億

■revenue (n) the income that a government or company receives regularly(名)歳入、収益、収入

■an army of (phrase) An army of people, animals, or things is a large number of them(フレーズ)大勢の

■lawyer (n) a person who practises or studies law(名)弁護士

■politician (n) a person who is professionally involved in politics(名)政治家

■throw up one’s hands (phrase) to express or indicate exasperated despair or hopelessness; to submit or give up(フレーズ)お手上げだと諦める、降参する



I thought I could get justice for Gabe.


■justice (n) the condition of being morally correct or fair(名)正義、公正



Yeah, well, Typhon has their own idea of justice.






Believe me, I want nothing more than to make these fuckers pay. I’ve learned the hard way that it’s not possible. They’re too big, too connected, too ruthless. You can hate me if you want. Call me a coward. But I don’t wanna lose you like we lost Gabe.


■want nothing more than to (phrase) the thing that I want most is (フレーズ)~したいだけに過ぎない、~したくてたまらないだけである

■fucker (n) a contemptible or stupid person(名)〈卑俗〉ばかなやつ

■learn the hard way (phrase) to discover what you need to know through experience or by making mistakes (フレーズ)苦い経験をして~ということを知る、~を身をもって知る

■ruthless (a) not thinking or worrying about any pain caused to others; cruel(形)無慈悲な、非情な

■coward (n) a person who is not brave and is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty, or pain(名)臆病者




Pike is terrified of Typhon. I bet if I took his fear away…But it’s not just about me. Steph and Ryan are in danger too. Fcuk. I wanna hurt Typhon so bad. But can I really put their lives at risk, along with mine?

All I have to do is sign?


■terrified (a) very frightened(形)恐れおののいている、おびえた

■take away (phrase) to remove sth from sth(フレーズ)取り除く、奪い去る

■fear (n) an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm(名)恐れ、恐怖感、恐怖心

■be in danger (phrase) in a situation in which loss of life or serious harm is possible(フレーズ)危険な状態にある、危機に直面している

■so bad (phrase) =very much(フレーズ)~したくて仕方ない、~したくてしょうがない

■along with (phrase) in company with or at the same time as(フレーズ)~と一緒に、~と併せて




Yeah. X marks the spot.

Thank you, Alex. You did the right thing.


■mark (v) to show where sth is by drawing or putting sth somewhere(動)〔物が位置や場所を〕(指し)示す






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