ビデオゲーム「ウォーキング デッド」で英語学習 ep1p02 “The Walking Dead” script


英語字幕・日本語訳  (Episode 1: A New Day 新たなる夜明け Part 2)


リー:Hell? Anybody? Anybody up there? No ladder… I’m not getting up there anyway, this leg the way it is.

おーい!誰か! 上に誰かいるのか?



■ladder [ˈlæd.ɚ] (n) a piece of equipment used for climbing up and down, that consists of two vertical bars or pieces of rope joined to each other by a set of horizontal steps (名)はしご


リー:Hello? Anybody home? I need a little help. Coming in. Don’t shoot, okay? Ahh, shit. Hello? I’m not an intruder…or one of THEM.

おーい、誰かいないのか? ちょっと助けが必要なんだ。入るぞ。撃たないでくれよ。ああ、クソ。おーい。俺は不法侵入者じゃない・・・とういか、ヤツラの仲間じゃない。


■intruder (n) someone who enters a place without permission in order to commit a crime(名)(違法な)侵入者


リー:These people might need more help than I do.



留守電:Three new messages. Message one. Left at five-forty-three p.m.


ダイアナ:Hey, Sandra, this is Diana. We’re still in Savannah. Ed had a little “incident” with some crazy guy near the hotel, so we had to get him back to the ER and have it checked out.

Anyway, he’s not feeling well enough to drive back tonight, so we’re staying an extra day. Thanks so much for looking after Clementine, and I promise we’ll be back in time before your spring break!

「もしもしサンドラ? ダイアナよ。私達はまだサヴァナなの。エドがホテルの近でおかしな男の人とちょっと揉め事になって、彼を救急に連れて行って診てもらわなければならなくなっちゃったの。



■incident (n) an event that is either unpleasant or unusual(名)〔1回だけの〕出来事、〔偶発的な〕事件

■ER (n) = emergency room(名)緊急治療室

■look after (phrase) to take care of or be in charge of sb/sth (フレーズ)~の世話をする、~に気を配る

■in time (phrase) early enough(フレーズ)時間内に


留守電:Message two. Left at eleven-nine-teen p.m.



ダイアナ:Oh, my god, finally! I don’t know if you tried to reach us; all the calls are getting dropped. They’re not letting us leave and aren’t telling us anything about Atlanta.

Please, please, just leave the city and take Clementine with you back to Marietta. I’ve got to get back to the hospital. Please let me know that you’re safe.

「ああ、やっと繋がったわ! あなたが私たちに連絡をくれようとしてたかどうか分からないけど、電話がどれも通じないのよ。町から出るなって言われて、アトランタのこと何も教えてくれないし。



■get dropped(フレーズ)〔通話が〕途切れる


留守電:Message three. Left at six-fifty-one a.m.



ダイアナ:Clementine? Baby, if you can hear this, call the police. That’s 9-1-1. We love you…we love you…we love y–

「クレメンタイン? このメッセージを聞いてたら警察を呼んで。911番よ。愛してるわ・・・愛してるわ・・・あいしてるわ・・・」







① 通し再生・字幕あり






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