ビデオゲーム「ウォーキング デッド」で英語学習 ep2p17 “The Walking Dead” script



英語字幕・日本語訳 (エピソード2 Starved for Help 飢えとの戦い part 17)


What’s behind this door, Andy?



Just tools. We keep it locked so the people in the woods don’t try and grab ‘em. We’d be dead without ‘em. Hey, uh…do me a favor. Don’t fuck around with this door, okay? Just, you know, Mama gets nervous.


■fuck around (phrase) to behave stupidly, or to waste time doing things that are not important(フレーズ)〈卑俗〉〔物を〕いじくる、ばかなまねをする


カーチャ:アンドリュー! また手を貸してちょうだい。

Andrew! I need your help again.


アンディー:もちろんだ! すぐに行くよ、先生!

No problem! Right away, doc!




It’s a small toolbox. Multi-tool. That should be handy. Just gonna borrow this for a second.


■multi-tool (n) a small device that incorporates several tools within a single unit(名)マルチツール、万能工具

■handy (a) useful or convenient(形)役に立つ、便利な、重宝な

■borrow (v) to get or receive something from someone with the intention of giving it back after a period of time(動)借りる



There. That should do it.


■do (動)役に立つ、間に合う



Fuckin’ Danny. Where did he find this piece of shit? Awww, fucking thing threw a BELT! This’ll take forever…


ダック:母ちゃん! 父ちゃん! 夕飯だ! 夕飯の時間だ!

Mom! Dad! Dinner time! It’s dinner time!



Okay, honey. Let’s get Dad.


ダック:父ちゃん! 父ちゃん! ねえ、食べに行こう!

Dad! Dad! C’mon, let’s EEAAAAAT!!!



I’ll make an excuse for you… Get that thing off!


■make an excuse (phrase) to give a reason for doing something you shouldn’t do, or for not doing something you should do(フレーズ)言い訳をする、口実を作る

例)Don’t make an excuse for losing. 負けた言い訳をするをするな。




Boy. Didn’t you hear the bell? Dinner time.



Why was there so much blood in there?



Look. We have food here, but Danny and I still gotta do a lot of hunting to keep everyone fed. When we catch something in the woods, we skin it and dress it back there. Mama doesn’t like us to make a mess in the house. So you see? Nothin’ to worry about.


■skin (v) to remove the skin of something(動)~の皮を剥ぐ

■dress (v) to prepare meat, chicken, fish, or crab so it can be eaten(動)〔獲物の肉や毛皮を〕切り分ける

■make a mess (phrase) create a dirty or untidy state(フレーズ)散らかす



Excuse the mess. We had to block the back door after a walker got upstairs. Don’t worry, that was a while ago and they ain’t been back inside since.


■mess (n) something or someone looks dirty or untidy(名)〔物の状態の〕ゴチャゴチャ、乱雑

■go upstairs (phrase) to climb steps to reach a higher level of a building(フレーズ)上の階に行く



Everybody sit down and I’ll go get the meal! Ooh, this is a delight!


■delight (n) great pleasure, satisfaction, or happiness(名)楽しみ、楽しいこと、歓喜



Where’s Mark?



Now don’t you worry about him. I’ve already brought some food up. You just let him rest.


■rest (v) to stop doing a particular activity or stop being active for a period of time in order to relax and get back your strength(動)休む




前半: リピート再生・スロー再生・字幕あり

後半: 通し再生・字幕なし



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