ビデオゲーム「ウォーキング デッド」で英語学習 ep4p10 “The Walking Dead” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (エピソード4 Around Every Corner 追い詰められて part 10)


Shit. Christa and Vernon must be trapped in there.


■be trapped (phrase) If sb/sth is trapped, that person or thing is unable to move or escape from a place or situation(フレーズ)閉じ込められている





What the hell happened?



They wandered into the hallway after we got inside. I think they must have heard us rooting around in here. The whole place is infested, they’re everywhere!


■wander into (phrase) to enter some place at random(フレーズ)~に入り込む、~に迷い込む

■hallway (n) a hall (名)〔建物内の〕廊下

■root around (phrase) to search for sth, especially by looking through other things(フレーズ)探す、探し出す

■infest (v) (of sth bad) to swarm over and cover or fill(動)〔害虫・悪者などが~に〕出没する、はびこる


リー:落ち着くんだ。ヤツらは私が仕留めた。薬品はどうだ? 必要な物はあったのか?

Calm down. I took care of them. What about the meds, did we find what we need?


■meds (n) = medication or medicine(名)〈話〉医薬品



Yeah–that’s our other problem. Take a look. Looks like they were keeping all the prescription meds in that safe–locked up tight.


■prescription medicine/drug (n) a drug that can only be bought if a doctor orders it for you(名)〔医師の処方箋が必要な〕処方薬

■safe (n) a heavy metal chest or box in which money etc can be locked away safely(名)金庫、貯蔵するための戸棚

■lock up (phrase) If you lock sth up in a place or container, you put or hide it there and fasten the lock(フレーズ) 〔ドアなどに〕鍵を掛ける



Can we just guess the combination?


■guess (v) to give an answer to a particular question when you do not have all the facts and so cannot be certain if you are correct(動)推測する



It’s a four-digit code. You do the math.



■(you) do the math (phrase) make a calculation or come to a conclusion based on the relevant facts and figures, typically with the implication that the result is or should be obvious(フレーズ)少し考えればわかる、言わなくてもわかるでしょう



Well, I doubt they just wrote it down and left it here for us to find. We should just try busting it open, we don’t have any other choice.


■bust (v) (slang) to burst or break(動)壊す



Okay, you get started, I’ll take a look around, see if I can find anything useful.






Anna Correa. I guess she must have been a patient here. And what’s this?

Vernon, Christa. Come look at this.




This is day eighty-two since the outbreak…fifteen forty-seven. Doctor Logan in consultation with patient Anna Correa.


■outbreak (n) a sudden occurrence of sth unwelcome, such as war or disease(名)暴動・反乱・疫病など好ましくない事が突然起こること

■in consultation with(フレーズ)~と相談して、~と話し合いをする



Why are you recording this?



Regulations. Oberson has ordered me to keep records of all medical examinations and consultations. I need you to brace yourself, Anna. The sonogram confirms that you’re pregnant.


■brace oneself (phrase) be ready for sth / prepare yourself(フレーズ)気持ちを引き締める、気をしっかり持つ、心の準備をする

■sonogram (n) a graph representing a sound, showing the distribution of energy at different frequencies (名)ソノグラム、超音波診断器

■confirm (v) to prove that a belief or an opinion that was previously not completely certain is true(動)確認する、裏付ける

■pregnant (a) (of a woman or female animal) having a child or young developing in the uterus(形)妊娠している



Oh, god, oh, god, oh, god…



As you know, the rules are very clear. The termination is mandatory.


■termination (n) the act of ending sth or the end of sth(名)終了させること

■mandatory (a) required by law or mandate; compulsory(形)〔法令または規則による〕強制的な、必須の



You don’t have to tell them. Tell them it was just nausea, that you gave me something for it and it went away. This is my problem, not yours.


■nausea (n) a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit(名)《医》吐き気、むかつき

■go away (phrase) to disappear(フレーズ)〔病気・痛みが〕治る、消える



If Oberson finds out that I concealed evidence of a pregnancy… I’m sorry, but these are the rules. I’m gonna give you a sedative. It’ll make the procedure easier on you.


■conceal (v) not allow to be seen; hide (動)〔物・情報・事実などを〕隠す

■evidence (n) the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid(名)証拠

■pregnancy (n) the condition or period of being pregnant(名)妊娠

■sedative (n) a drug taken for its calming or sleep-inducing effect (名)鎮静剤、鎮静作用

■procedure (n) a surgical operation(名)医療手当、治療、手術


アナ:中絶手術なんてしたくないわ! 産ませてちょうだい! こんなのは嫌よ!

I don’t want the procedure! I want my baby! I can’t do this! I can’t do this!



Anna, you don’t have a choice. Now, if you like, you can take some time with this, but I need you to come back no later than tomorrow. Or I’ll have no choice but to inform Oberson myself. I’m sorry.





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