「ファイナルファンタジー7リメイク」で英語学習 p62 “Final Fantasy 7 Remake” Script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (FF7R part 62 “古代種の歴史”)


This place is empty. The hell—!?



In the distant past, our planet was home to a people we call the Ancients. Many millennia before we discovered mako, these precursors were already pioneering its use.


■distant (a) far away(形)遠く離れた、時間が隔たった

■millennia(名) millenniumの複数形

■millennium (n) a period of 1,000 years, or the time when a period of 1,000 years ends(名)千年間、千年紀

■precursor (n) sth that comes before another and may lead to it or influence its development(名)先行する人・物、先駆者

■pioneer (v) to be one of the first people to do sth(動) 〔先駆けて~を〕開発する、率先する



Somehow they learned of the great reservoir of energy pulsing beneath their feet.


■somehow (adv) 1. for a reason that is not known or specified  2. in some way; by some means(フレーズ)1. どういうわけか 2. どうにかして

■reservoir (n) a large supply of sth(名) 〔液体などを入れておく〕容器、蓄積、宝庫

■pulse (v) to move or beat with a strong, regular rhythm (動)脈打つ



And once they had…the Ancients developed the means to harness this powerful energy and bend it to their will. The fruits of their labors have survived to this very day in the form of certain kinds of materia. Their scripture, too, has endured:


■harness (v) to collect and control sth so that it can be used effectively (動)生かす、利用する

■bend sb/sth to one’s will (phrase) to use your power or influence to make sb/sth do what you want them to do(フレーズ)(人)の意志に従わせる

■fruits (n) the pleasant or successful result of work or actions(名)成果、結果

■labors (n) all the effort and hard work that have been involved in doing a particular piece of work(名)骨の折れる特定の仕事・作業・努力

■the scripture (n) the holy writings of a religion(名)聖書、聖書の言葉

■endure (v) to continue to exist for a long time(動)持ちこたえる、長く残る


音声ガイド:“星から生まれし我ら、星と語り、星を形作る” “いつの日か我らは約束の地に帰る” “星の愛情あふれる恩寵と導きにより、我ら楽園に己の場所を手に入れる”

“We who are born of the planet, with her we speak. Her flesh we shape.” “Unto her promised land shall we one day return.” “By her loving grace and providence may we take our place in paradise.”


■flesh (n) the soft part of the body of a person or animal that is between the skin and the bones (名)肉、肉体

■unto (pre) archaic term for to(接)toの古語

■loving (a) feeling or showing love or great care(形)愛情ある、愛情あふれる

■grace (n) approval or kindness, especially (in the Christian religion) that is freely given by God to all humans(名)恩寵、神の愛

■providence (n) an influence that is not human in origin and is thought to control people’s lives(名)摂理、神の導き


*文を倒置することによって、仰々しい雰囲気を作っています。なので、本来の語順の「We are born of the planet, we speak with her (the planet), we shape her flesh. We shall one day return to her promised land. By her loving grace and providence, we may take our place in paradice.」にすると分かりやすいと思います。


音声ガイド:悲しいことに、古代種は遥か昔に絶滅しました。二千年前、隕石が彼らの文明に終止符を打ったのです。ですが炎に包まれた終末の前に古代種たちは約束の地を見つけたのでしょうか? 今もって我々には想像することしかできません。

Alas, the Ancients themselves are long gone. Two thousand years ago, a meteor brought an end to their civilization. But before their fiery end, did the Ancients find their promised land? Even now, we have only to wonder.


■alas [əlǽs ] (exclamation) used to express sadness or regret(間)ああ、悲しいかな(悲しみ、悲痛を表して)

■meteor (n) a piece of rock or other matter from space that produces a bright light as it travels through the atmosphere(名)隕石

■bring an end(フレーズ)~を終わらせる

■civilization (n) human society with its well developed social organizations, or the culture and way of life of a society or country at a particular period in time(名)文明

■fiery (a) bright red, like fire(形)火の、燃えている



Times have changed—and the Shinra Electric Power Company is committed to changing and evolving with them. Like the Ancients, we have harnessed the power of mako.


音声ガイド:古代種たちは我々を見ているでしょうか? 溢れんばかりの魔晄エネルギーがもたらされる、みずみずしい緑の地――祝福された世界の片隅で我々がやって来るのを待っているのでしょうか?

Are they out there, watching us? Waiting for us to join them in some blessed corner of the world—a green and verdant land, where boundless mako energy will provide for our every need?


■verdant (a) covered with healthy green plants or grass (形)緑に覆われた、植物が生い茂った

■boundless (a) having no limit(形)無限の



Shinra is working for you, to fulfill the hope of the Ancients and lead us to that promised land. We shall not rest until our dream is realized.


■fulfill (v) to do sth that is expected, hoped for, or promised, or to cause it to happen(動)実現させる、成就する

■rest (v) to stop doing a particular activity or stop being active for a period of time in order to relax and get back your strength(動)休む








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