「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep4p11 “Life is Strange” script


英語字幕・日本語訳 (Episode 4: Dark Room 暗室 Part 11)


Oh, look… The Wonder Twins. You should have come alone.


*The Wonder Twins: Superhero duo from American animated TV series ワンダーツインズ:米国アニメの双子のスーパーヒーロー



She’s my partner.



Yeah, or bodyguard. So let’s get to business. Where’s my fucking money?



I—I don’t have the money… yet.



Oh, really… then why did you text me that you did?


■text (v) to send sb a text message by phone(動)〔携帯電話でメールを〕書く、打つ、送信する



Because I wanted to tell you in person.


■in person (phrase) with the personal presence or action of the individual specified(フレーズ)じかに、本人が直接に



Oh, I’m truly touched, Chloe. Now why are you losers really here?



We just wanna ask you some questions.




You have some serious ladyballs. No.

Jesus, okay, okay. But I’m not getting you high.


■have lady balls (phrase) When a girl has the “balls” to do sth(フレーズ)(女性が)度胸がある、根性がある

*「have (the) balls 肝が据わっている、根性がある」のball は「睾丸」のことなので、通常は男性に対して使うが「ladyballs」とすることによって女性に対して使えるフレーズにしている



Frank, we’re not here to get high.



No, you don’t look like the type. Not like Chloe here. So what do you Hardy Boys want?


*The Hardy Boys: Fictional brothers in mystery series. ハーディー・ボーイズ:推理小説の二人組の兄弟探偵。

*エピソード3でのジョイスのセリフに「Nice try, Nancy Drew.」というものがありましたが、ナンシー・ドルーは少女探偵の代名詞的存在で、ふたり組探偵の代名詞的存在なのがハーディー・ボーイズ。日本で言うと「金田一」とか「名探偵コナン」的な感じ?



Just the names of some of your clients…


フランク:おや、そんなもんでいいのか? なぜそう言わなかったんだ? ついでに車のキーもやろうか?

Oh, is that all? Oh, well, why didn’t you just tell me? How about I just give you the keys to my RV while I’m at it?



You don’t get it, man. This is for a good cause.


■for a good cause (phrase) it is worth doing or giving to because it will help other people(フレーズ)大義名分の下で、正当な理由があって



No, “man,” I do not get it… especially from a weirdo like you. You know, I hate the way you talk to me, like you… like you know more than I do.


■weirdo (n) a person who you think is strange and who makes you uncomfortable (名)〈俗〉変人、奇人、危険人物



No, I’m not, I—


フランク:これだからブラックウェルのガキどもは嫌いなんだよ。平気で人にタカりやがる。タダで何でも恵んでもらえると思うなよ。こっちは商売なんだよ! 分かるか?

Christ, I hate you Blackwell shits. You expect everything for free. You’re not getting any handouts from me. I work for a living, you understand?


■handout [hǽndàut ] (n) something such as food, clothing, or money that is given free to someone who has a great need for it(名)〔乞食への〕施し、施し物、お恵み

■work for a living (phrase) to have as one’s job(フレーズ)食べるために働く



Yes, Frank. Without those Blackwell shits as customers, you wouldn’t have any work at all. Dude, you’re a drug dealer!


■dude (n) (slang) a man(名)〈米俗〉やつ、男、野郎


フランク:鼻もちならねぇガキだぜ! ひとんちに来て偉そうなこと言ってんじゃねぇよ! 説教なら教会で聞くから間に合ってんだよ! で、俺から何か欲しいって? ケツにナイフでも突き刺してやろうか、あん?

You snobby whores! Don’t come into my home and judge me! That’s why I go to church! And you want something from me? How about a blade up the ass, huh?


■snobby (a) characterized by snobbery(形)お高くとまった、鼻持ちならない



Calm down, Frank. Let’s just talk…


フランク:俺に指図するんじゃねぇ。分かったかクソアマ? 分かったか?

Don’t you ever tell me what to do. Get it, bitch? Get it?


■Don’t you ever + verb = Don’t + verb (フレーズ)~しないで、~するな(お願い・命令)



Step the fuck back, now!


■step back (phrase) to stop being involved in something(フレーズ)後ずさりする、〔行動・活動から〕身を引く


フランク:ポンピドゥー! 俺の犬を殺しやがった!

Pompidou! You fucking killed my dog!




Oh, my god!

Listen, Chloe, I can tell you for a fact that this will not go well.


■I can tell you for a fact(フレーズ)事実としてお伝えしますが


クロエ:時間を巻き戻したんだな・・・。で? 何をどうすりゃいいんだ?

Max, I should have known you would be kind and rewind…So tell me exactly what I need to do here.



Be careful, okay? Don’t give Frank any excuses to go ballistic. We need his help, Chloe.


■go ballistic (phrase) to become extremely angry(フレーズ)〈話〉〔人が〕カッとなる、怒鳴りだす、キレる



You know, I’m not a total fuckup. Occasionally I can be both cool and careful…like now, okay?


■fuckup (n) a person who has a tendency to make a mess of things(名)〈卑俗〉大間違い、どじ、ぶち壊し、へまをやる人





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