「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」で英語学習 ep5p13 Learn English with “Life is Strange”


英語スクリプト・日本語訳 (Episode 5: Polarized 偏光 Part 13)


I hear you, Max… but do you think we should let Jefferson get away with torture and murder?


■get away with (phrase) to succeed in avoiding punishment for sth (フレーズ)〔悪い事をしたのに〕逃げきる、何の罰も受けないで済む、ただで済む


マックス:もちろんしないよ! もしデイビッドに話したら、私達を信じてジェファソンを止めてくれるよ・・・ね?

Of course not! If we tell David, he’ll believe us and he can actually stop him… right?



I don’t get it…



Chloe, David saved me from Jefferson… If he didn’t track down the Dark Room… I’d be dead right now.


■track down ( phrase) to search for sb or sth(フレーズ)見つけ出す、追い詰める




Max… I had no clue… I should have been the one to save you, but… I’m so grateful David was there.

So what’s your plan?



We tell him everything, including that Victoria is in danger.



Okay. You’ve been through so much… I believe you, Max. After all, I’m still your faithful companion.


■companion (n) a person you spend a lot of time with often because you are friends or because you are travelling together(名)〔付き添う〕仲間



Yes, you are. So, listen… In a few minutes, I won’t know any of this happened… nothing. We absolutely have to stay in your room and do nothing. Then we explain everything to David, and we finally let him do his job. You’ll have to tell me exactly what I did and said just now. Just explain that I traveled through time using the photo.



Will you believe me?



I’ll always believe you, Chloe.





Oh, Chloe!



I see that the real Max is back… So, how was your time trip, dude?


マックス:もう! ああ、クロエが生きてる! 生きてる・・・私たち二人とも!


Shut up. Oh, you’re alive! You’re alive, oh… Both of us! I did so much to bring you back, Chloe… and it worked. It actually worked. You’re with me again.



It looks like even fate doesn’t want us apart. And… you traveled through multiple realities just to… save my ungrateful ass over and over. I hope it was worth it, but… I don’t blame you for wanting me out of your life, after all my drama.


■out of one’s life(フレーズ)(人が)自分の人生からいなくなって

■drama (n) an exciting, emotional, or unexpected event or circumstance(名)劇的な事件や状況



Come on. I’m the official Drama King and Queen of Arcadia Bay this week. Just look at what my powers have caused in… just a short time. I mean… I’m nobody.




You’re Max-fucking-Caulfield, Time Warrior. Even if you weren’t, you’re kind and caring. Nobody could have a better best friend… Nobody. You didn’t ask for any of this to happen, but it did. You need to accept how awesome you are.


■caring (a) displaying kindness and concern for others(形)面倒見がいい、気遣う



Maybe I willed it subconsciously, or something. I always wanted my life to be special… an adventure… but not without you. And it didn’t happen until I moved back here, so… without you, my powers wouldn’t even exist.


■will (v) to want something(動)〔~を〕切望する

■subconsciously (adv) in a way that uses or relates to the subconscious(副)無意識のうちに、潜在的に



Then for whatever scientific, mystical reason, that we’ll obviously never figure out… We were meant to be together at this exact moment in history. I have to think that Rachel was somewhere behind the scenes, fighting for justice…


■mystical (a) relating to the belief that there is hidden meaning in life, or that each human being can unite with God(形)超常的な

■behind the scenes (phrase) secretly, while other things are happening publicly(フレーズ)〔裏工作などが〕舞台裏で、陰で




I’d like to think that, too… We all owe Rachel Amber.

Now tell me everything that happened. You… You remember, right?



Well, we… we left the party and made sure Jefferson couldn’t find us. For once, I was glad I lived in an actual fortress. Then the storm got hella crazy and… and you said we would be safe at the lighthouse.


■fortress (n) a large, strong building or group of buildings that can be defended from attack(名)要塞、堅固な場所


マックス:クロエ見て! 嵐がどんどん強くなって近づいてきてる。これが現実なんて信じられない。でもこれは私のせいなんだ。

Chloe, look! The storm is getting bigger now. It’s coming closer. I… I can’t even believe this is real, but this is happening because of me.


クロエ:止めろ! 自分を責めるなって! あたし達ふたりともやるべきことはやったよ。

クソ、見ろよあれ。まるで怪物だ。これはレイチェルの怒りなのか? それともあたしたちの? 灯台は進路から外れてる。行こう!

Stop it! Stop beating yourself up, okay? We’ve both paid our dues already on that. Oh, God, look at that! Look at that monster! Who knows… This could be Rachel’s revenge… Our revenge. The lighthouse is out of the way of the tornado. Come on!


■beat oneself up (phrase) to blame or critisize yourself of your failures(フレーズ)自分を責める

■pay one’s dues (phrase) Fulfilled one’s obligations (フレーズ)(苦しくとも)やるべきことをやる





Oh… What… Chloe…



I’ve got your back, Max.








ゲーム「ウォーキング デッド」

ゲーム「ライフ イズ ストレンジ」


ゲーム「バイオハザード RE:2」




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